Sales management
- Make sales managers aware about their different tasks and responsibilities
- Teach them concrete attitudes and behaviour to adopt and develop in order to become a proactive sales manager rather than reactive
- Have them apply a rigorous methodology of individual objective setting, taking the global objectives of the company into account
- Give hem concrete techniques and tools to practice efficient and motivating field coaching
- Make them sensitive to apply a management style adapted to each staff member and to each situation
- Teach them to motivate and to continuously mobilise their staff members so that they reach their objectives
- Motivate them to evaluate performance objectively and to implement possible corrective action
- Help them remain assertive at all times
- Are we proactive managers
- Base qualities of an efficient commercial manager
- Selftest : analysis of our strengths and weaknesses
- Attitudes and behaviour to adopt in order to become a proactive manager
- Set and communicate individual objectives
- How to set objectives
- The different types of objectives
- Characteristics and necessary qualities of each objective
- The meeting to set objectives: how to conduct it without de-motivating
- Techniques of suitable guidance in practice
- Setting up a follow-up strategy
- How to conduct an efficient and motivating field coaching
- The guidance plan
- How to prepare the meeting of guidance
- How to go about doing 3 field coachings in practice : evaluation guidance, training guidance, or the guidance to achieve a deal
- Pedagogic rules to observe
- How to brief and de-brief
- Guidance checklists
- Evaluating performance
- Evaluation as a permanent process
- How to conduct an evaluation meeting efficiently
- Structure of the evaluation meeting
- Behaviour and attitudes to adopt and develop during such meetings
- How to evaluate in all impartiality
- Motivate and incite into action
- Factors of motivation and demotivation
- How to motivate staff members in practice, day after day
- The meeting of positive reinforcement
- How to reprimand without demotivating
- How to manage personal defence mechanisms
- Efficient communication
- Obstacles to communication
- Rules to observe to communicate with success
- The art of asking the right questions and active listening
- Empathy
- Feedback
- The art of being assertive
- The characteristics of the assertive person
- Verbal and non-verbal behaviour
- Individual selftest to measure our own assertiveness level
- What to do to become more assertive
- Summary and conclusions