Train the trainer
- To increase professionalism of the trainers while at the same time helping them acquire techniques of group animation and behavioural techniques to observe in order to act efficiently in all circumstances
- To teach them to evaluate well the knowledge and the aptitudes of each participant
- To help them take into account the laws of the pedagogy of adults
- To give elements to build a seminar and to articulate the various modules well
- To show them how to write a training manual
- To help them to develop exercises and effective teaching supports
- To teach them the techniques of communication allowing to pass on a message efficiently, and to stimulate its memorising
- To learn to use well audio visual means
- To incite them to follow-up and implement the acquired techniques
- Introduction
- The laws of adult learning
- The behavioural rules to observe
- Traps and pitfalls to be avoided
- The development of a training scheme
- Analysing training needs
- Evaluation the knowledge and aptitudes of participants
- Determination the contents of training
- The structure of the seminar and the articulation of the various modules
- Drafting a syllabus
- The preparation and the means of teaching support
- How to develop and apply efficient exercises, case studies and tests
- Video-taped role plays
- Group discussion
- How to animate a training in an efficient manner
- The various styles of animation
- How to determine the style of optimal animation according to the matter, the objectives of the seminar and the characteristics of each participant
- The basic techniques to activate a group
- The motivation techniques
- The involvement techniques
- The art of asking the right question
- Principal techniques of communication to pass on a message efficiently
- How to stimulate listening and participation
- How to ensure a good comprehension of messages
- The techniques to stimulate memorising
- How to reinforce one’s charisma and one’s capacity to convince
- How to adapt to the different types of participants
- The different profiles of participants
- How to identifty them
- How to handle them
- The use of the audio visuals
- The overhead projector
- The videoprojector
- The flip chart
- The camera
- The video tape recorder
- Other didactic means of support
- Handling difficult situations
- How to answer difficult or inopportune questions
- Recommendations to face participants who are nervous, not attentive, indifferent or negative
- Evaluating the effect of seminars and trainings
- Ensuring efficient training follow-up