Time management
- To do more in less time
- To choose freely to deal with topics and the work environment rather then being controlled by it
- To build-up priorities and to concentrate on things that are really important
- To learn how to set objectives
- To get organised
- To eliminate obstacles that prevent us from doing what we want
- To have an analytical tool to identify the principal “time robberies”
- To organize and put to good use a personal time-table (daily routine)
- To delegate efficiently
- To overcome the main reasons for tension and fatigue
- Time, our most important resource
- Time Management, Life Management
- Current time-table analysis
- Identification of the principal fields of human activity
- Measuring the time dedicated to each field
- Evaluation of the current situation compared with the ideal one
- Identification of the main “time robbers”
- Reasons for lost time as well as concrete solutions
- Personal efficiency improvement
- Building-up of personal priorities
- Difference between what is important and what is not
- Distinction between principal tasks and minor tasks
- Evaluation of the degree of urgency
- Difference between the active and the reactive tasks
- How to observe priorities personally, and how to have them observed by others
- Planning time and meetings
- The annual, monthly, weekly and daily planning
- The action plans
- The use of the diary
- Handling unforeseen events
- Improving one’s personal organisation
- Building-up an optimal M.I.System
- Efficient project management
- Efficient delegation
- What to delegate
- How to delegate
- How to mobilise people into action
- Checking and setting up dashboards
- Learning how to say “No”
- Remaining assertive at all times
- Helping colleagues to improve their own handling of time
- Handling personal energy and making the most our best moments
- Golden rules for good time management
- Actual “Tricks” to play for better handling of one’s time
- How to avoid falling into old habits
- Summary and conclusion